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If you are keen to do more Outdoor Education with the department come and see me in the garage!!!

"The Outdoor Education Department at MCHS is completely unique and offers huge potential to every student in the School". Have a look at the adventures Students and Staff have been getting up to! Get inspired by some fantastic photos and video clips and read comments left by us all! If you are interested and want to know more come and see us in the garage! Keep up to speed with the latest opportunities on the blog or on the notice board outside the garage.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Kayaking - Lancaster Canal - Year 7 - Day 2 - 24th May

Well done guys, a thoroughly enjoyable days kayaking.  You all worked really hard and demonstrated some great skills in difficult windy conditions.

Well done to those of you who overcame your fears and just got on with it, and to the swimmers who kept smiling.

 Thanks to Dan Riley for coming out to help whilst Rach's back recovers!


Sneaking past the protetive swans!!

See you on Thursday for the next activity


Anonymous said...

Today was really fun when we were doing kayaking. I really enjoyed doing it. Sam Good.

Anonymous said...

So funny when you were roaring at the swans! ;D :L Awesome day! Declan Lord 7C

Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed the day guys. You all did Fan..tabulistic: especially those who were not so keen on water and the were trying hard. Those swans...well Mr Swan was very protective over his babies...good job he had his eye on Paul...altho his roaring was entertaining.

Looking forward to Thu...what shall we do!!!

Anonymous said...

haahahh was really good at the canal had fun kayaking funny when i fell in !:D

Anonymous said...

from georgia :)