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If you are keen to do more Outdoor Education with the department come and see me in the garage!!!

"The Outdoor Education Department at MCHS is completely unique and offers huge potential to every student in the School". Have a look at the adventures Students and Staff have been getting up to! Get inspired by some fantastic photos and video clips and read comments left by us all! If you are interested and want to know more come and see us in the garage! Keep up to speed with the latest opportunities on the blog or on the notice board outside the garage.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Year 7 - Rock Climbing - Hutton Roof - Day 5 - 20th June

What a stunning day for rock climbing in the sun!   Well done to everyone for climbing so hard, working together and supporting each other.

Some big achievements today in conquering fears and pushing yourselves to get to the top of the hardest climbs - excellent effort everyone!

Some great climbing technique and excellent belaying - hope to see you at climbing club in September.

Leave a comment about your 5 days of OE!!!

1 comment:

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