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If you are keen to do more Outdoor Education with the department come and see me in the garage!!!

"The Outdoor Education Department at MCHS is completely unique and offers huge potential to every student in the School". Have a look at the adventures Students and Staff have been getting up to! Get inspired by some fantastic photos and video clips and read comments left by us all! If you are interested and want to know more come and see us in the garage! Keep up to speed with the latest opportunities on the blog or on the notice board outside the garage.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Kayaking - Lancaster Canal - Year 7 - Day 2 - 24th Nov

A cracking day on the canal with our current year sevens.

We spent time mastering basic skills and playing games.  Then we went on a 2 mile journey down the canal and back!

Some excellent skills demonstrated - lots of potential for taking kayaking further with the department.

Well done all of you!

See you next Tuesday


Anonymous said...

Thankyou Paul for taking us! Had a great time exept my hand is sweeled up and brused because Jamie wanged into me and said hope your hurt :'((( Well we all had fun and enjoied both days! Bring on the next adventures!

Amber Scarlett Dickson 7H
(Dickson as in.....)

Anonymous said...

Thank you paul for taking us kayaking. I really enjoyed it. Even though i got cold and wet. I hope that every body enjoyed it.

BRiNg oN TeUsDaY.
eMmA McGaUgHrIn

Anonymous said...

loved kayaking thanks for taing us paul and rache